FMARS 2003 and 2007 Videos

The first group to inhabit FMARS for a 4-week-long mission was the 2003 crew. They were the eighth crew to call FMARS home; Crew 7 had been there in 2002, and Crews 1-6 built the simulated Mars habitat in 2001. The following is a 34-minute documentary on the FMARS-8 Mission in 2003. It is reproduced in four segments of approximately 8-9 minutes each with the permission of the mission's commander Dr. Steve McDaniel. The video gives a very good overview of what a FMARS mission is all about.

FMARS 2003: Video 1 of 4

FMARS 2003: Video 2 of 4

FMARS 2003: Video 3 of 4

FMARS 2003: Video 4 of 4

If these videos have piqued your interest about FMARS, check out Ryan Kobrick's YouTube channel from the four-month-long FMARS-11 Long Duration Mission in 2007. In the 22-episode video blog, he tracks the crew's activities and does a good job conveying what life is like at FMARS. I hope to follow in his footsteps by posting regular videos during our upcoming mission.

FMARS 2007 YouTube Channel

There is another really nice 50-minute video spanning the 2000-2001 time frame that covers the scientific rationale behind FMARS, its relationship to HMP, scouting for sites on Devon Island, and building the habitat. Some of that footage made it into a Discovery Channel special on FMARS in 2001. If anyone wants to see this video, just contact me, and I can send you individual links to it since I don't have permission to post it publicly.

Finally, to everyone out there interested in this expedition, please consider a donation to help me cover travel and gear costs. I've had to deplete my savings in order to fund my activities at FMARS and would greatly appreciate any assistance you could offer. Thanks to everyone who has already chipped in to my fund. If anyone else out there would like to make a donation, I really would appreciate it. I leave in only two days!


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