Completed my first orbit as a parent

I just wanted to take a minute to share that my son Henry is one year old today. This also marks the approximate anniversary of this blog, since one of my first posts was announcing his birth. Adjusting to life with a baby over the past year has been both a challenge and a joy. Like everyone says, being a parent really does enrich your life beyond description.

Little Henry is walking now, as you can see in the video clip below. His first word was "airplane," followed by "daddy," "bird," "dog," "dart," "mum mum" (more more), and "banana." He also communicates very well using a few signs and understands nearly 100 words thanks to this program. Some of his favorite activities include cycling with me, watching airplanes fly over our house, and eating rocks. Obviously, I try to discourage that last one. :)

By the way, cloth diapering has been going great. We wouldn't have done it any other way. Elimination communication worked very well for the first six months (basically never changed a dirty diaper), but since Henry's become more mobile, it hasn't worked as well. I highly recommend baby wearing to all new parents; we've hardly even used a stroller.


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